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When Diet And Exercise Just Don’t Cut It


Your tendency to develop fat, and where it collects on your body, are largely the product of genetics. Hereditary fat deposits can stubbornly resist healthy eating and regular exercise. In the past, liposuction, a more invasive fat removal procedure, was the only effective spot reduction technique. Today, men and women have the option of noninvasive, nonsurgical targeted fat reduction with CoolSculpting in Bend at EsthetixMD Spa & Laser Center.

The CoolSculpting Concept


Your body has a layer of subcutaneous fat, just beneath the skin. It helps to regulate body temperature and cushion internal organs. When calorie intake exceeds usage, the body stores the excess in fat cells in this layer.

At our office in Bend CoolSculpting selectively chills fat cells to a temperature that freezes lipids (the oily content), without harm to skin or other organs which are comprised primarily of water. As crystallized fat cells are destroyed, they are eliminated by the body’s natural processes. The basic system gently pulls fat into the device, treating larger areas such as:

  • Abdomen (muffin top)
  • Flanks (love handles)
  • Back fat and bra fat
  • Upper arms
  • Thighs (inner and outer)
  • Buttocks – including banana roll under cheeks
  • Distal thigh/knees
  • Chin
  • Additional Reading

What To Expect From Fat Freezing


All you do is relax for treatment – we provide a fluffy robe and comfortable slippers. A gel is applied. Then you feel a tugging sensation as the device gains hold (some applicators do not use suction), followed by an intense but brief feeling of cold. Some of our Bend CoolSculpting patients have described mild tingling, stinging, or aching, but it passes quickly as the area gets numb. Treatment time varies but can be as little as 35 minutes. When the applicator is removed, the skin may look pink or blanched and feel solid. Tissues are massaged with a radial pulse device to restore normal sensation and accelerate results. You may return to work or other activities right after your appointment

You will begin to notice a change in three weeks to three months, as treated fat is eliminated. Improvement continues for about six months. A single treatment session can result in an average fat reduction of 20 to 25 percent in the treated area. If further reduction is desired, additional sessions can be scheduled. The adult human body does not generate new fat cells unless you experience a large weight gain or pregnancy, so they are gone for good. If you gain weight in the future, remaining fat cells expand. That means extra pounds are distributed more evenly, rather than concentrated in troublesome spots.

  • Video Transcript
  • Video Transcript

What Happens To A Fat Cell After CoolSculpting?


Your body has a fixed number of fat cells that get bigger or smaller as you gain or lose weight.

When you have the CoolSculpting treatment, fat cells freeze and start to die off.

During the process of cell death, fat cells begin to collapse.

Over the months that follow your procedure, other cells consume the dead fat cells, which are naturally processed and eliminated from the body.

EsthetixMD is the only practice in Central Oregon that has achieved Club 10,000 status for performing over 10,000 CoolSculpting treatments. This makes EsthetixMD currently one of the most experienced providers in the Country.

  • Video Transcript

Advantages of CoolSculpting

  • Serious side effects are rare
  • Results look natural, without rippling
  • CoolSculpting is cleared by the FDA
  • No needles, anesthetic, cutting, sutures, or recovery period
  • With a healthy lifestyle, results can be maintained long-term
  • Treatment is drug-free, so there is no risk of interaction with medications you may be taking

How Much Does CoolSculpting Cost


We appreciate that the cost of CoolSculpting treatment is a valid and important consideration. Since treatment is so customized to your unique features and goals, CoolSculpting costs can vary considerably from person to person.

In fact, the company behind CoolSculpting, Allergan Aesthetics, reports that treatment ranges from $2,000 to $4,000. Generally, they note that costs depend on the areas to be treated, the number of areas that require treatment, and the total sessions that are needed to get desired results. We provide more detail into each of these factors below. In consultation with you, we will discuss those factors that can influence your treatment plan and, in turn, your expenses. These factors include:

  • Number of areas to be treated – The more areas that are treated, the greater the cost. Be aware that each arm or each leg counts as a single body part or treatment site. Ask about potential discounts to treat multiple sites.
  • Treatment sessions – You can see noticeable improvements and fat reduction after a single treatment; however, additional treatments may be needed to reach your goals. Additional sessions add to the overall cost of treatment.
  • Size of areas to be treated – The chin or inner thigh generally costs more to treat than abdominal areas or flanks (love handles).
  • Applicators – We at EsthetixMD have many different applicators to choose from, to further personalize your treatment. For instance, CoolAdvantage and DualSculpting treat larger areas with cooler temperatures and treat two sites at one time for faster treatment and fewer sessions.

Cost concerns should never stand in the way of your getting or restoring that confident, youthful, vibrant, and healthy appearance. So, we offer many ways to trim the CoolSculpting bill while whittling contours, including:

  • Regular specials on aesthetic products and procedures
  • Rewards points with repeat visits that add up to savings
  • Free 3-D BodyScan
  • CareCredit, or GreenSky zero percent finance plans (for qualifying borrowers)

CoolSculpting is a great value. You achieve lasting results, trimming stubborn fat, without the risks and downtime. Contact EsthetixMD Spa & Laser Center today at 541-508-7907 to schedule your Bend CoolSculpting consultation.


CoolSculpting Treatments Performed

Ranked #1

In the State for CoolSculpting

*Based on 3 or less CoolSculpting systems as of Jan 2021


Laser Hair Removal Treatments Performed

Before & After CoolSculpting

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*Individual results will vary

Schedule a consultation at EsthetixMD Spa & Laser Center in Bend, OR to learn more about CoolSculpting and other body contouring options. Contact us today 541-508-7907

Meet The EsthetixMD Spa & Laser Center Team

CoolSculpting Frequently Asked Questions

  • Am I A Good Candidate For CoolSculpting?

    CoolSculpting is an ideal treatment option for generally healthy men and women with hard-to-lose pockets of fat that do not respond to diet and exercise. CoolSculpting patients should have a BMI lower than 34 and be at or near their target weight before treatment. Patients who should not receive CoolSculpting include those with chronic pain, a history of hernia in the treatment area, chronic pain, a history of eating disorders, health conditions affecting the lymphatic system, or certain autoimmune disorders. Patients who are pregnant or plan to become pregnant should not receive CoolSculpting.

  • How Can I Prepare For My CoolSculpting Procedure?

    EsthetixMD will provide a disposable garment for you to wear during your treatment, but you should bring soft, comfortable clothing to wear after your treatment. A gel substance used during treatment may stain undergarments. You should eat a snack or light meal before arriving for treatment. We also advise patients to limit caffeine and beverage consumption before their appointment.

  • How Can I Maximize My CoolSculpting Results?

    The best way to get the most from your CoolSculpting results is to maintain a stable weight through a healthy lifestyle. Processed foods and excessive salt intake can cause weight gain and increase stored fat in problem areas. Moderate daily exercise, healthy eating, and increased water intake can keep you looking slim and sculpted indefinitely.

  • What Are The Risks And Side Effects Of CoolSculpting?

    CoolSculpting is noninvasive and poses minimal risk. However, there are some risks and side effects of which patients should be aware. You are likely to experience a tugging or pulling sensation as targeted fat is drawn between the cooling panels for cryolyposlis. Immediately after treatment, some patients report aching, stinging, or pain in treated areas. You may also notice redness, bruising, swelling, and sensitivity in the treatment area. Cold exposure is likely responsible for these side effects. These conditions typically last about two weeks. A rare but serious risk associated with CoolSculpting is paradoxical adipose hyperplasia, which involves enlarging cells within the treatment area. While this concern is entirely cosmetic, this condition will not resolve without intervention and requires surgical correction.

  • What Are CoolSculpting And DualSculpting?

    CoolSculpting is a breakthrough, FDA-approved, non-invasive procedure that gently and effectively reduces fat in problem areas of the body through a patented cooling technique. The result over two to four months is a noticeable, natural-looking reduction in fat.

  • Will I Get The Same Results From Just Applying An Ice Pack?

    An ice pack does not reach temperatures cold enough to effectively kill fat cells. Moreover, the tool used in the cooling technology does not affect surrounding tissues, which can be damaged by prolonged icing.

  • What Is The Clinical Evidence That CoolSculpting Works?

    Clinical studies involving hundreds of patients (in the U.S., Canada, Europe and Asia) show that CoolSculpting is an effective way to reduce fat without the pain, risk, and recovery time of surgical procedures. The result is noticeable, natural-looking fat reduction in the treated areas.

  • Is CoolSculpting FDA-Cleared?

    Yes, CoolSculpting is FDA-approved in the U.S. for non-invasive fat reduction in the flank.

  • Is There A Higher Risk Of Skin Discoloration Or Other Skin Problems In Any Skin Types? In Different Ethnicities?

    Experience with the procedure shows it to be safe for all skin types.

  • How Long Is Each CoolSculpting Treatment? Can I Have A Session On My Lunch Break?

    One of the many benefits of CoolSculpting is its convenience. Each treatment lasts one to two hours or more, depending on the size of the area to be treated. You’ll know in advance how much time to allot for your visit, following an initial consultation. Most likely, you’ll be positioned comfortably enough to read, work, or watch your favorite show. And because it’s non-invasive, there’s no downtime after your appointment.

  • How Long Has CoolSculpting Been Available? How Many People Have Been Treated To Date?

    CoolSculpting has been available since 2009 in Canada, Europe and Asia, marketed in some regions as the ZELTIQ™ Procedure. Clinical studies on the process date from 2006. There have been more than one million treatments with the device worldwide.

  • Is CoolSculpting Safe? Painful? Are There Side Effects?

    CoolSculpting is safe, and well tolerated by most patients. Typically, you’ll be comfortable enough to read, watch television, work on your laptop, listen to music, or just relax during the procedure. Occasionally, some patients experience redness, tingling, bruising or numbness in the treated areas, but these are temporary.

    In approximately 50 reported cases out of 115,000 treatments, patients experienced more severe pain during and/or after treatment. If your discomfort is severe, contact your Esthetix clinician immediately. You may be prescribed an oral medication or topical anesthetic to help ease the symptoms until they go away naturally. Rest assured, in 100 percent of cases, such pain has naturally subsided with no long-term effects.

  • What Is The Cost Of CoolSculpting?

    The cost varies based on the number of sessions in your individual treatment plan.

  • What Can I Expect In Terms Of Fat Reduction?

    Sculpting is safe, and well tolerated by most patients. Typically, you’ll be comfortable enough to read, watch television, work on your laptop, listen to music, or just relax during the procedure. Occasionally, some patients experience redness, tingling, bruising or numbness in the treated areas, but these are temporary. In all CoolSculpting cases, patients will experience an undeniable reduction in fat in the area treated. However, visible results can vary based on your initial fat deposits.

  • How Does It Work?

    The CoolSculpting technique, developed by Harvard scientists, works by targeting fat cells underneath the skin and freezing them to the point of crystallization. During this patented Cryolipolysis™ procedure, a non-invasive applicator delivers precisely controlled cooling to targeted fat cells in specific areas of your body. Because fat cells are more vulnerable to cooling than surrounding tissues, this kills the fat cells without harming the skin, nerves, muscles and other tissue.
    The treated fat cells undergo apoptosis (programmed cell death) and are eliminated naturally, gradually reducing the thickness of the fat layer. The result is decreased fat bulges, visible in most patients within two months. Skin is left unblemished and there is no scarring, in contrast to traditional methods of fat removal. There is no lengthy recovery period.

  • How Many Sessions Are Necessary To Get Results?

    Fat cells are reduced with every treatment. Because every patient is different, we recommend a follow-up visit with your clinician post-procedure, to assess the cosmetic improvement and determine if additional CoolSculpting is warranted, to achieve more fat reduction.

  • What Happens To The Fat Cells? How Does The Body Process Them?

    The fats that are released from cells as a result of the treatment are processed by the liver, an organ in the body designed to perform that function. The dead fat cells themselves are broken down and digested by immune cells in the body.

  • What Is The Recovery Process?

    No recovery time is required. You may resume normal activities the same day, including work and exercise. While uncommon, a small percentage of patients may experience pain related to treatment. Pain subsides over time.

  • Can Treatment Result In Nerve Damage Or Permanent Numbness?

    CoolSculpting is very selective in killing fat cells without affecting other structures. Clinical studies indicate that the procedure does not cause nerve damage or permanent numbness. A small number of patients may experience temporary symptoms including skin sensitivity, stinging and/or pain.

  • Does Fat From Other Parts Of The Body Ever Migrate To Treated Areas?

    Fat cells killed from CoolSculpting are eliminated from the body, and fat will never deposit again in the treated area. There is no risk of fat from other areas moving over to the treated area to compensate.

  • Can CoolSculpting Cause Any Dimpling Or Uneven Skin Tone?

    In clinical research, CoolSculpting was not noted to cause any change in skin tone or color, nor any rippling or dimpling.

  • Does CoolSculpting Work Better Than Competitive Procedures?

    The results of CoolSculpting are not as rapid or dramatic as invasive procedures such as liposuction or a tummy tuck. It’s an effective alternative for those who want to avoid the higher cost, pain, risk and recovery time associated with such surgical procedures.

  • How Much Time Is Needed Between Each CoolSculpting Appointment?

    It varies, depending on your specific goals. Some patients find the results they are after following one procedure. If more than one session is scheduled to ensure the best outcome, you’ll typically wait four to eight weeks between treatments. Your Esthetix clinician will discuss this as part of your treatment plan.

  • Does CoolSculpting Work On Cellulite?

    Cellulite is comprised of several types of tissue including fat. Since CoolSculpting selectively treats fat, the procedure does not do a thorough job treating cellulite, although some patients report temporary reductions in cellulite appearance immediately after the procedure.

  • Does CoolSculpting actually work?

    Yes, CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved, non-invasive treatment that effectively reduces fat in targeted areas by freezing fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated by the body. Results can vary, but many patients see a noticeable reduction in fat after a few sessions.

  • How many sessions of CoolSculpting are needed to see results?

    Most patients start to see results after one to two sessions, with optimal results typically visible after two to three months. The number of sessions needed depends on the area being treated and the amount of fat reduction desired.

  • How long do CoolSculpting results last?

    CoolSculpting results are long-lasting because the treated fat cells are permanently destroyed and eliminated from the body. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial to prevent new fat cells from forming in untreated areas.

  • Who is the best candidate for CoolSculpting?

    The best candidates for CoolSculpting are individuals who are close to their ideal body weight but have stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. It is not a weight-loss solution but rather a body contouring treatment for localized fat reduction.

  • Are there any side effects of CoolSculpting treatment?

    Common side effects of CoolSculpting include temporary redness, swelling, bruising, and numbness in the treated area. These side effects are typically mild and resolve on their own within a few days to weeks. In rare cases, more serious side effects like paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH) can occur, where treated fat cells enlarge instead of diminish.

Cri Till Demos CoolSculpting

Cary Rodriquez on CoolSculpting

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“I have been going to EsthetixMD for a while now, and I have NEVER had an experience less than stellar. From the moment you walk in until the second you walk out, you are treated like royalty. There is a genuine passion and commitment to excellence that translates to each customer. It’s not a service they are selling but a true investment in your well-being. You can’t go wrong in choosing EsthetixMD for all your skincare needs.”

— Andrea L

“I initially visited EsthetixMD because of their reviews and saw Nicholas for that reason. I definitely made the right choice! All of the staff is very friendly and professional, and Nicholas is the best! I completely trust his advice and feel at ease when I’m getting my treatments done. He is very personable, honest, and passionate about skincare. I have found my go-to esthetician!”

— Amela

Sarah is an extraordinary esthetician. She deeply listened to my skin concerns and created a program that I am seeing and feeling considerable results. She has impeccable attention to detail. I am grateful that she is my partner to younger and healthier skin.

— Skin Testimonial 3

The Professionalism at EsthetixMD is beyond anything I’ve ever seen. I am always greeted with a beautiful smile and upbeat attitude. When I leave the Spa, I feel and look Amazing, can’t wait until my next appointment. I haven’t always taken care of myself as I should, especially my skin, but through learning how to care for my skin and body and how to stay and look healthy has been a Life Changer for me! I feel better and look Amazing, Thanks to the knowledgeable and beautiful professionals at Estheix MD. If you are interested in improving your life and feeling better about yourself the first place to start is Esthetix, they will walk you through your options and give you the opportunity to feel and look Amazing Give them a 10 +

— Testimonial 11

Truly a First Class business! Professional across-the-board from the moment you enter until the time you leave. I have had treatments with Sara Nicole, Amy, and Nicholas and each one of them is caring and thoughtful and excellent at what they do! I could not recommend Esthetics MD more.

— Testimonial 12

EsthetixMD is the best medical spa I’ve ever been to. The staff and Doctors are exceedingly professional and kind and I would trust them with any procedure that I might be considering. I feel lucky to have found such a dependable medical spa for all of my health and beauty needs!

— Testimonial 13

I can’t say enough good things about EsthetixMD. I came in for a Madonna Eye Lift and Coolpeel combo. I felt so safe and protected entering the building. My provider, Allison was so sweet, professional and amazing. Allison prepped me on what to expect during and after. I was provided post care and given skin care options. I am absolutely delighted with the results. I’ve already booked another! Thank you EsthetixMD!

— Skin Testimonial 2

This staff is amazing! They bent over backwards to make my experience comfortable and professional. They were warm, caring and accommodating. Allison is not only caring but she dials you in on the best possible solution for your skin. The front office staff is the same way. I can not recommend them enough. They go the extra mile.

— Skin Testimonial

I see Dr. Covey for dermal filler and Botox. She is brilliant, she educates me all the way through the treatment, she does her best to minimize any pain, and I always look and feel terrific afterwards. The clinic is professional, and staff is very pleasant. Check in and out is easy. I would recommend the clinic to anyone who wants beautiful skin, expert treatment and loving care. Also, the range of treatments available for face and body is impressive.

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I have just completed my second CO2 resurfacing treatment and am beyond pleased. Dr Scott and assistant, Julie not only make an intense treatment enjoyable with their amiable caring manner but they are also consummate professionals providing exceptional service. Five star treatment hands down. Thank you!

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Amy is amazing! Amy’s expertise with fillers and botox is top notch and would recommend her as an excellent practitioner to anyone looking to achieve beautiful results.

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Ultra Femme 360 does what it claims. Don’t be afraid to try it. Yes it is an investment but it is worth it. Allison is very professional and makes the awkwardness just go away. If you are wondering what to expect while in the room it’s similar to a well women visit only the benefits are outstanding. Instead of feeling like I need to treat myself to a nice lunch and glass of wine after going through the whole pap experience I am planning a date night.

— Ultra Femme 360

“Love working with Nicholas! He introduced the PFD patch for laser tattoo removal which allows for multiple laser passes instead of only one pass. It’s incredible how much the new patch will speed up removing my tattoos!”

— Delaney O.
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