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Fully Customizable Body Sculpting is Possible With the Emsculpt System

No matter how hard you work out and watch what you eat, nearly everyone has areas of the body where they’d still like to lose some unwanted fat and build muscle. Are you tired of working out in the gym for hours on end and not achieving the precise results you want? If so, Emsculpt treatment may be the solution you’ve been looking for.

Each 30-minute Emsculpt session is the equivalent of doing 20,000 reps of exercises that target a particular area, such as squats, sit-ups, or bicep curls. At EsthetixMD in Bend, OR, Emsculpt is a revolutionary treatment we use to help our patients reduce unwanted fat, increase muscle tone and strength, and improve their physique.

Emsculpt at EsthetixMD

Many patients visit EsthetixMD not just because they want to look better in their clothes and swimwear but because they are interested in enhancing their overall wellness.

Our customized combination therapies are designed to help our patients achieve excellent results tailored to their unique needs and goals, such as reducing back pain, treating urinary incontinence, improving posture, and boosting athletic performance. At EsthetixMD in Bend, Oregon, we are proud to offer Emsculpt classic and Emsculpt NEO, on their own or in combination with other body sculpting treatments, to help our patients achieve remarkable results that are not achievable in the gym alone.

What is Emsculpt?

Emsculpt is a non-invasive, non-surgical body contouring and fat reduction therapy that uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM) to stimulate tens of thousands of muscle contractions per second that are much higher in intensity than any voluntary contractions you can perform yourself while working out.

This advanced technology stimulates the growth of the muscles while disrupting fat development. Together, these improvements work to contour the body in areas that are often most problematic for men and women—the stomach and the buttocks. It is a highly effective treatment that can achieve stunning results. In trials, those results included an average fat reduction of 19 percent, an average muscle mass increase of 16 percent, and a 96 percent satisfaction rate. When receiving Emsculpt Bend patients will be welcomed into our inviting office and then comfortably set up in the treatment room.

We will then strap the Emsculpt device onto your desired treatment area and start the machine, at which point you will start feeling the muscular contractions begin. Most patients describe the sensation as a very intense vibration, which becomes more and more tolerable with each treatment session. Each 30-minute Emsculpt session is like the equivalent of doing 20,000 reps of exercises that target the treatment area, such as squats, sit-ups, or bicep curls. Think about how long it would take to perform that many reps in the gym, and you can see just how Emsculpt achieves its remarkable results.

Emsculpt Before & Afters

this is a real patient and individual results may vary

this is a real patient and individual results may vary

this is a real patient and individual results may vary

this is a real patient and individual results may vary

this is a real patient and individual results may vary

this is a real patient and individual results may vary

this is a real patient and individual results may vary

this is a real patient and individual results may vary

this is a real patient and individual results may vary

this is a real patient and individual results may vary

this is a real patient and individual results may vary

this is a real patient and individual results may vary

this is a real patient and individual results may vary

this is a real patient and individual results may vary

Emsculpt vs. Liposuction

Emsculpt treatments and liposuction are similar in that they can both eliminate unwanted fat deposits on the body. While liposuction is more long-lasting and can eliminate larger fat pockets, it is also more invasive, usually requires sedation, and will not offer the appearance of toned muscles. With Emsculpt, fat elimination is permanent, and muscle toning lasts up to 6 months. It requires no downtime and is completely non-surgical and non-invasive.

Build Muscle And Lose Unwanted Fat with Emsculpt NEO: The Next Generation In Body Sculpting


Emsculpt NEO is a next-generation device built on the foundation of its predecessor, Emsculpt. Emsculpt NEO is the first and only non-invasive body sculpting treatment option that simultaneously eliminates unwanted fat and builds muscle.

This technology harnesses the power of both high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM) and radiofrequency energy to produce amazing results in just a few non-invasive 30-minute treatment sessions. This dynamic dual technology offers a highly effective body sculpting result with up to a 30% reduction in subcutaneous fat, a 25% growth in muscle volume, and a 19% improvement in diastasis recti (abdominal separation).

Just like Emsculpt classic, Emsculpt NEO is great for a variety of troublesome body areas, including the abdomen, arms, thighs, buttocks, and calves. At EsthetixMD in Bend, Oregon, we are proud to offer this revolutionary therapy alone or in combination with other body sculpting treatments to help our patients achieve remarkable results that are not achievable in the gym alone.

Which do I choose, Emsculpt or Emsculpt NEO?

The primary difference between Emsculpt and Emsculpt NEO is the technology used since Emsculpt NEO includes RF along with HIFEM. Emsculpt NEO also provides a higher percentage of muscle building and fat removal and can handle more significant fat deposits. If you have a more moderate need to address, Emsculpt classic is most likely the better option and is generally less expensive

The Emsculpt NEO Edge Applicator

The revolutionary new addition to the Emsculpt system is the Emsculpt NEO Edge Applicator. This sleeker, more contoured treatment application allows Emsculpt Neo to be used for the effective treatment of the lateral abdomen, which includes addressing love handles and flanks. Used as an alternative applicator with the Emsculpt NEO system, the Edge uses both RF and HIFEM technology to tighten muscles and reduce fat.

What can Emsculpt do for me?

The Emsculpt system is a revolutionary option for patients interested in not only targeting fat for body contouring but improving muscle tone with a safe, non-invasive procedure. This treatment has received clearance from the FDA for the treatment of two primary areas: the abdomen and the buttocks. However, part of what makes Emsculpt so appealing is its versatility. With different device attachments, we can treat several other areas of the body that can be common trouble spots for patients, including:


Tone and sculpt your biceps and triceps.


Skip the surgical tummy tuck and achieve a thinner waist, toned abdominal muscles, and an average 11 percent improvement in diastasis recti.


Reduce jiggling when you walk and achieve performance gains with stronger, leaner thighs.


Get a lifted, toned, more voluminous-looking butt with a non-surgical butt lift.

Am I a candidate for Emsculpt?

Patients interested in contouring their body while addressing both fat and muscle are welcome to ask the team at EsthetixMD about the advantages of using Emsculpt treatments. Almost anyone can benefit from this service, though an initial consultation is highly recommended to determine if you are an ideal candidate for noticeable results. In general, it is important for patients to have a commitment to maintaining a high-quality, healthy diet and a regular exercise routine so they can maintain the benefits of their treatment. Great candidates for Emsculpt want:

  • To treat stubborn fat deposits in the abdomen, arms, legs, and buttocks
  • A non-surgical, non-invasive solution
  • Short appointment times
  • No painful recovery or downtime
  • Chemical and drug-free muscle building and fat reduction

Consultation and Preparation

If you are ready to take your fitness to the next level or simply want to shed some fat and tone up trouble spots, we encourage you to get in touch with EsthetixMD to schedule your personalized consultation.

We will discuss your goals and determine whether Emsculpt is right for you. The skilled cosmetic specialists in Bend will determine the best course of action and develop a treatment plan tailored to your specific goals and desires. Since the treatments are non-invasive, chemical-free, and require no sedation, there is virtually no required preparation prior to your appointment. Our Bend, OR office can be reached at 541-508-7907, or you can request your consultation online. Call or visit us online today!

An EsthetixMD Exclusive: Core to Floor


Based on your personalized consultation, we may recommend combination treatments such as Core to Floor, which combines Emsculpt NEO and CoolTone with Emsella for a non-surgical “mommy makeover” – without the risks, downtime, and expense of traditional surgical options.

Emsculpt NEO and CoolTone are both outstanding options to tighten up postpartum abdominal concerns, and Emsella is an innovative, completely non-invasive pelvic floor strengthening treatment. If you are postpartum or are simply looking to improve core and pelvic floor strength, our specialized Core to Floor treatment plan may be able to help.


When receiving Emsculpt Bend, patients will be welcomed into our inviting office before settling into a comfortable treatment room. In most cases, patients will lie down on a treatment table for the procedure – on their back if they are treating the abdominal area and on their stomach if they are treating the buttocks.

Since the procedure is pain-free, no topical anesthesia or numbing cream is needed. The treatment provider will then strap the device onto the desired treatment area and start the machine, at which point the patient will start to feel the muscular contractions begin. Patients can relax while the device is used on the treatment area for about thirty minutes. Most patients describe the sensation as a very intense vibration, which becomes more and more tolerable with each treatment session.

Results, Recovery, and Aftercare

Afterward, you will be free to return to your normal daily activities. You may feel soreness in the treatment area for a day or two following the treatment, similar to what you’d experience after an intense workout.

It is important for patients to understand that this method produces gradual, not immediate, results. The changes occur over time as the body metabolizes the fat that was destroyed, and patients typically notice improvements over the course of a few weeks. Similar to the way that you get the best results from working out regularly, Emsculpt can best help you achieve the tone and contouring you want with multiple treatments over time.

We typically recommend that patients undergo a total of four sessions – two treatments per week for two weeks – and then follow up with maintenance sessions every three to six months to maintain toned and sculpted results. After the final treatment, patients’ body contours keep improving as their body flushes out the dead fat cells. There is no scarring, downtime, or risk of infection with this technology. The treatment can be continued past four sessions for even more noticeable results.

Why EsthetixMD?

At EsthetixMD, our highly trained professionals have years of combined experience in providing patients with solutions for their hair, skin, nails, and body, and we continue to stay current with the latest technologies so we can provide optimum results and strategic, state-of-the-art services for our new and existing patients. We want each of our patients to leave our office looking and feeling more refreshed and rejuvenated than they did when they walked through the door.

Schedule Your Bend, OR, Emsculpt Consultation at EsthetixMD Today

Learn about Emsculpt with our professional and friendly staff at EsthetixMD by scheduling an appointment at 541-508-7907, or you can request your consultation online. Call or visit us online today!

Emsculpt Moa Animation

Emsculpt Mirror Mirror

Emsculpt Patient Montage

Emsculpt Body Contouring Services Frequently Asked Questions

  • What areas can Emsculpt treat?

    Emsculpt is a revolutionary option for patients in the area of Bend, OR who are interested in not only targeting fat for body contouring but improving muscle tone. This treatment has received clearance from the US FDA for two primary areas: the abdomen and the buttocks.

  • How does Emsculpt work?

    Emsculpt uses HIFEM (high intensity focused electro-magnetic) technology. This advanced technology works by forcing tens of thousands of muscle contractions during each session to improve the growth of the muscles while disrupting fat development. Together, these improvements work to contour the body in the areas that are often most problematic for men and women—the stomach and the buttocks.

  • How quickly will I see noticeable results with Emsculpt?

    Since the body needs time to metabolize the fat cells that are destroyed by the procedure, results appear gradually. Patients will notice improvements in just a few weeks and may see their clothes fitting differently than they did before. Noticeable results can be seen between two to six weeks after the first treatment, and they continue to improve over a six-month period. The Emsculpt treatment can be continued past four sessions for even more noticeable results. After the final treatment, patients’ body contours keep improving as their body flushes out the dead fat cells. There is no scarring, downtime, or risk of infection with Emsculpt services.

  • Who is a candidate for the Emsculpt procedure?

    Patients who are interested in contouring their body while addressing both fat and muscle are welcome to ask the team of EsthetixMD Spa and Laser Center about the advantages of using Emsculpt treatments. Most anyone can benefit from this service, though an initial consultation with your provider is highly recommended to determine for sure if you are an ideal candidate for noticeable results. In general, it is important for patients to have a firm commitment to maintaining a high-quality, healthy diet and a regular exercise routine so they can maintain the benefits of their treatment.

  • Is Emsculpt common?

    Both EmSculpt and Emsculpt NEO are among the top non-surgical cosmetic body sculpting procedures on the market. Now, with the new EmSculpt NEO Edge Applicator, the system is even more versatile.

  • What Can I Expect During an Emsculpt Treatment Session?

    Patients will lie down on a treatment table for their procedure. They will lie on their back if they are treating the abdominal area and lie on their stomach if they are treating the buttocks. Patients relax while the Emsculpt device is used on the treatment area for approximately thirty minutes. It will feel like an intense workout as the device stimulates muscle contractions throughout the session.

  • What does Emsculpt feel like? Is it painful?

    Most patients report a pulling or vibrating sensation and generally consider it comfortable.

  • What About Recovery and Downtime?

    One of the amazing benefits of the Emsculpt treatment is the ability to achieve results without an invasive procedure. This means that patients do not experience any downtime or side effects after their treatment sessions. They can return right back to their normal schedule and usual activities with no interruption, including going back to work immediately or resuming their daily exercise routine. This is perfect for patients with busy lifestyles who are unable to take extended time off work and social activities to undergo aesthetic procedures such as this.

  • Is Emsculpt safe? What are the risks?

    Emsculpt was proven safe and risk-free in clinical trials. The only minor side effect that is sometimes reported is muscle soreness.

  • Is Emsculpt permanent? Will I need follow-up sessions?

    The fat that is removed with the treatment is permanently eliminated. The muscle toning usually lasts about 4 to 6 months, so we usually recommend maintenance treatments around this point.

  • Does Emsculpt cause weight loss?

    While it does remove pockets of fat, it is not a weight-loss method.

  • Will Emsculpt work with my skin type?

    Since the treatment focuses on muscle toning and fat removal beneath the surface, it will work with any skin type.

  • How Can Emsculpt Improve my Buttocks?

    Emsculpt not only works on the abdominal area but also the buttocks. An alternative to a traditional butt lift, it will tone, firm, and strengthen the buttocks area. This can result in a lifted and tighter appearance. This can improve a patient’s confidence when they are wearing bathing suits or fitted leggings or jeans, ensuring improved self-esteem.

  • Can I combine Emsculpt with other cosmetic treatments?

    Yes, it is often combined with other treatments to achieve optimal results.

  • How much does Emsculpt cost?

    The cost of the treatment depends on which products will be used, as well as any other complementary procedures. Ask our front desk about cosmetic financing options!

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“I have been going to EsthetixMD for a while now, and I have NEVER had an experience less than stellar. From the moment you walk in until the second you walk out, you are treated like royalty. There is a genuine passion and commitment to excellence that translates to each customer. It’s not a service they are selling but a true investment in your well-being. You can’t go wrong in choosing EsthetixMD for all your skincare needs.”

— Andrea L

“I initially visited EsthetixMD because of their reviews and saw Nicholas for that reason. I definitely made the right choice! All of the staff is very friendly and professional, and Nicholas is the best! I completely trust his advice and feel at ease when I’m getting my treatments done. He is very personable, honest, and passionate about skincare. I have found my go-to esthetician!”

— Amela
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