Customized Skin Treatments
Our medical spa in Bend offers customized skin care that addresses your various concerns. By consulting with one of our experienced clinicians, you can discover the benefits of Light and Microneedling therapies in Bend as they relate to the appearance and overall health of your skin.
Microneedling is an innovative treatment that works based on the skin’s ability to heal and rejuvenate itself under the right circumstances. Using our adjustable SkinPen tip, we promote the synthesis of healthy new tissue by penetrating the skin with thousands of invisible microchannels.
Our pen has nine needles that can reach depths ranging from .2 to 2.5mm. Manufactured by Bellus Medical, SkinPen stands alone as the only device of its kind to achieve FDA clearance. As such, it’s clinically proven to reduce the appearance of acne scars on the face, and on light and dark skin. In fact, six months post-treatment, Bellus Medical notes 90 percent of patients reported continued improvement in the look of their scars. FDA clearance is further validation of Skin Pen’s safety for use in microneedling; to achieve this designation, SkinPen components successfully underwent a rigorous three-year evaluation process that spanned 90-plus requirements, including biocompatibility testing to ensure the materials were not harmful to patients’ skin cells.
Will These Microchannels Show On My Skin?
Your body responds to the microchannels made by SkinPen by increasing the production of both collagen and the essential growth factors that are released to heal wounds. The beauty of microneedling is that the “wounds” we create cannot be seen with the naked eye! After treatment, you may notice a healthy pink glow to your skin. In some cases, slight redness may develop, but this will diminish quickly.
How Long Does It Take To See Results From LED Light Therapy Or Microneedling?
We tailor a treatment program of microneedling, or LED light therapy based on your immediate and long-term goals. These treatments promote progressive rejuvenation. While your skin will show signs of improvement right away, you will continue to notice younger looking skin for a while after your initial session. Do you want to address acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles, sagging skin, and other age-related concerns? Contact EsthetixMD to consult with one of our experienced clinicians about Microneedling and LED Light therapies in Bend.
What Are The Benefits Of Microneedling?
- Microneedling can be performed on the face, scalp, and body, including the delicate skin around the eyes.
- Each SkinPen session usually only takes about 30 minutes, depending on the area to be treated and desired results.
- SkinPen treatment is comfortable and is suitable to be administered any time of the year.
- The effects of quality skin care are enhanced due to better penetration.
- Circulation and collagen production increase for several weeks at a time.
- SkinPen gets real and impressive results, naturally and safely, with little to no downtime.
LED Light Therapy
Light Emitting Diodes (LED) therapy has been around for years. This type of light is applied for aesthetic treatments that promote healthy and youthful skin. The wavelengths delivered by our Bend LED Light therapy device penetrate deeply into the skin – up to one inch! Cellular energy is further promoted, as is collagen production stimulated by red light LED. The result? Plump, smooth skin. Goodbye wrinkles and fine lines!
LED Light And Microneedling Therapies Frequently Asked Questions
- What does LED Light Therapy treat?
- How Do We Know That Led Therapy Works?
- How Does Led Light Therapy Improve The Skin?
- How Do I Keep My Skin Looking Good After Led Treatment?